Is a famous saying.This saying can be used in many contexts.At this juncture,I want to use it for a specific reason.
He arises to stardom at a very young age as he has an exceptional talent.He makes people to dance to his tunes.As a result,the people project him as an icon.
And now,he drinks.He violates rules.He dates.He fights with people around.He smokes.He takes drugs.
And...what else do you expect from a 19 year old Justin Beiber!!
Too much of anything is good for nothing.
The people must realise that this damn little fellow,a camouflaged youngster doesnt deserve the stardom status.
He is yet to grow!!
His eccentric behaviour is just due to a thought that stardom will do everything,infact ANYTHING..
Do not let out such dangerous people in the public.Sent him to a good teacher first of all or counsel him or jail him!!
Blame his parents and care-takers!!
posted from Bloggeroid